Thursday 9 August 2012

"Tok Mak's Sarang Semut"

I have not updated my blog in a month!!! Truth is, this fasting month has really taken a toll on me. I started being very sick the first week of fasting. Very, very bad gastric attack and my body is still slowly adjusting to fasting despite the fasting month is already coming to an end. Needless to say, I've just gained my energy in the last week and managed to bake two types of family favourite cookies for Raya. I made my late grandma's sarang semut. This cookie is an all time favourite in my household especially for my son, Haziq. He has been pestering me to bake for him the sarang semut since the beginning of Ramadhan. Hari Raya  is not complete without the cookies, right?? So, I always try to bake at least two to three types of cookies each year and the rest I would order from different suppliers.

The sarang semut cookie is very special to me. I make it every year to mark my respect to my late grandma and also to keep her in our remembrance especially during the festive season. No one in my mother's family makes it anymore as the process is quite tedious but I do it every year despite the fact that its very tiring especially when you're fasting. Its a 4 step process : 1) bake the cookie dough, then transfer to cooling tray, 2) coat the cookie with melted chocolate, 3) cover the coated cookie with chocolate rice and, 4) put cherry on the cookie and place them in cookie wrappers. This year, I had my daughter, Hannah  to help me. She was great help despite her fasting and all that! We made two batches and managed to finish about 120 pieces in one baking session. And of course, my son was the happiest boy when he saw a whole jar filled with sarang semut. The problem now, would my sarang semut last until Hari Raya?? I hope so, though. The way I see it now, the cookies are slowly working its way down in the jar. Hopefully it can last for another 10 days!!!

Tok Mak's Sarang Semut

The sarang semut up close... Looks yummy and taste good too! The butter cookie just melts is your mouth as you take the first bite. Have always love this cookie ever since I was a little girl!!! 

Thanks Tok Mak for this great cookie recipe. I will make sure I pass on this recipe to Hannah and keep the tradition of baking the sarang semut for many, many more years to come. At times like this, I realise how much I miss my Tok Mak's presence in my life. Love you always, Tok Mak....

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